Old Colonial Jakarta at Kota Tua | None | KIAT'S EYE VIEW

Old Colonial Jakarta at Kota Tua

The "Big Durian" Jakarta was my third destination in Indonesia after Lake Toba and Bali. Travelling to somewhere new was thrilling enough to me although I had the feeling that the capital of Indonesia did not rank high on the itinerary of most travelers and had little idea on what to expect. I was lucky to have an insightful introduction to the city thanks to a friend who lived and worked there. Kota Tua (Old Town) topped the list of attractions that I visited and was truly a gem in the city to me. It was a happening place. Buskers, cultural performers and street vendors filled the square with old colonial era buildings in the backdrop. The Jakarta History Museum, housed in the former Dutch-build Town Hall, was a great place to pick up some histories. The whole Kota Tua experience should be completed with a visit to Cafe Batavia at the other side of the square.

Old Town Hall in Jakarta
Dutch-build Town Hall (now housed the Jakarta History Museum) at Kota Tua Jakarta